“C” for Create | Create Canine Comfort

c for create
Dog rescue groups that rescue, house and often times rehabilitate stray and homeless dogs are nothing but angels on earth.

Dog rescuers often have fairly strict policies when adopting out their dogs. Many of the dogs have come from bad situations and a rescue worker wants to spare the dog going through that again at all costs. An abusive or neglectful home is no better than being homeless.

A lot of times dogs that fall into the care of a rescue group don’t have a very pretty past and may have a lot of issues because of it, ranging from behavioral issues to fears and health problems. It is imperative that the rescue worker finds the right person to deal with these kinds of dogs. This ensures that the dog and owner will be a good match and also the dog will not be returned. Rescue groups will often take the dog back if it doesn’t work out.
great pyrenees

There are a million dogs that you can buy, but you will never feel the gratitude that you will experience from a dog that you have rescued.

It is said that you create your own destiny. Well, homeless and stray dogs from unfortunate situations never deserved the abuse or neglect that they came from, but are paid back tenfold when they find themselves in the heavenly hands of a dog rescue group.

“B” for Believe | People Are Compassionate

b for believeWe generally believe the best in people unless we are proven otherwise. It is kind of like innocent until proven guilty. We have to believe that people will do the right thing.

This reminds me of something that happened last year. I was driving home down an access road and happened to see a little dog running behind me. It then darted across the road and started chasing behind another car. I was completely traumatized.

As I slowed down I noticed the car that it was chasing had pulled over to the side of the road. Well, because of the fact that I have three large dogs at home that I adopted for the exact same reason, I found them as stray dogs, I tried to believe that the other car would pick up the little guy.lucky stray dog

I continued on my drive home thinking of the dog and praying that the car I had seen picked him up. After I was home for about an hour, a neighbor called to tell me that he and his wife had just picked up a dog on the road. Amazing! My prayers were answered. This couple, whom are not really animal people and have no animals themselves, stepped out of their comfort zone and felt compelled to pick up this little guy.

Well, they made the extra effort and put up signs that within days were discovered by Socks’ (the little dog) owner. He was safely returned home.

This story had a happy ending only because someone stepped out of their zone to try to make a difference.

It’s times like these that make you believe the best in people.

“A” for Attitude | It Is Your Choice

a for attitude
Attitude is everything. You can respond to everyday’s trials and tribulations in a positive nature or just be mad at the world because everything is not going as you would like. It is totally up to you. Your attitude can make a difference in your whole environment and the people around you.

A dog’s attitude is “Yippee, it is another wonderful day”. They are happy with life’s simple pleasures… food, shelter and even a little attention or acknowledgement. We could learn much from our furry friends. miniature pinscher snapping at a large docile blonde dog

Be grateful for the food you eat and the roof over your head and acknowledge someone with a smile or a simple gesture…it could change their attitude.

A miniature pinscher is a perfect example of a little dog with a big attitude.